19 Reasons to Meditate - Backed by Science

19 Reasons to Meditate - Backed by Science

1 – Increases immune function (See here and here)

2 – Decreases Pain (see here)

3 – Decreases Inflammation at the Cellular Level (See here and here and here)

It Boosts Your HAPPINESS

4 – Increases Positive Emotion (here and here)

5 – Decreases Depression (see here)

6 – Decreases Anxiety (see here and here and here)

7 – Decreases Stress (see here and  here)

It Boosts Your SOCIAL LIFE

Think meditation is a solitary activity? It may be (unless you meditate in a group which many do!) but it actually increases your sense of connection to others:

8 – Increases social connection & emotional intelligence (see here and – by yours truly – here)

9 – Makes you more compassionate (see here and here and here)

10 – Makes you feel less lonely (see here)

It Boosts Your Self-Control

11 – Improves your ability to regulate your emotions (see here) (Ever flown off the handle or not been able to quiet your mind? Here’s the key)

12 – Improves your ability to introspect (see here)

It Changes Your BRAIN (for the better)

13 – Increases grey matter (see here)

14 – Increases volume in areas related to emotion regulation, positive emotions & self-control (see here and here)

15 – Increases cortical thickness in areas related to paying attention (see here)

It Improves Your Productivity (yup, by doing nothing)

16 – Increases your focus & attention (see here and here and here and here)

17 – Improves your ability to multitask (see here and here)

18 – Improves your memory (see here)

19 – Improves your ability to be creative & think outside the box (see research by J. Schooler)


6 Myths about Meditation

1 – You have to have an empty mind—nope, in fact, when you start meditating, you’ll find its quite the opposite

2 – You have to sit in the lotus position—nope, you can sit on the couch (just don’t lie down, you’ll fall asleep)

3 – You have to dedicate an hour a day—nope, small doses work just fine, (see here)

4 – You have to chant in a weird language—nope, not unless that floats your boat

5 – You have to be Buddhist, Hindu or religious—nope, not unless you make it so

6 – It’s weird—what’s so weird about sitting and breathing? Look who else is meditating:US congressmenNFL football leagues and the US Marine Corps.

Are you looking to get started with daily meditation? Click here!



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Written by

Noah Rasheta

Noah Rasheta

Kamas, UT
Having fun living life. Podcast Host | Author | Paramotor Flight Instructor