Noah Rasheta

Noah Rasheta

Kamas, UT
Having fun living life. Podcast Host | Author | Paramotor Flight Instructor
Who Knows What is Good and What is Bad

Who Knows What is Good and What is Bad

We all experience ups and downs in life but it’s important to remember that we should never get caught up in these moments. To enjoy the “whole” experience of life, we must learn to see past the individual highs and lows and instead focus our perspective on the big

True Kindness

True Kindness

“The most powerful medicine we can offer for suffering of any kind is simply kindness.” – Dzogchen Ponlop True kindness allows us to say “You are not alone.” “I see you.” “I hear you”, and perhaps most importantly “I am with you.” Kindness is the type of genuine connection that can

The Power of Compassion

The Power of Compassion

The Buddha taught that in order to realize enlightenment, a person must develop two qualities: wisdom and compassion. These two qualities are sometimes compared to two wings that must work together to achieve flight, or two eyes that work together to be able to experience depth perception. What does being

4 Principles That Will Change Your Life For the Better

4 Principles That Will Change Your Life For the Better

Rooted in traditional Toltec wisdom beliefs, these four principles/agreements are essential steps on the path to a better life. 1) Be Impeccable with your Word “Impeccability means ‘without sin.’ Impeccable comes from the Latin pecatus, which means ‘sin.’ The im in impeccable means ‘without,’ so impeccable means ‘without sin.



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