
191 – Guiding Parents on Emotions and Wisdom

191 – Guiding Parents on Emotions and Wisdom

As parents, helping children navigate their emotions can often feel overwhelming. From tantrums to outbursts, understanding and managing emotions is an important skill that we must pass on to our kids. In my recent podcast episode with the team from Uplift Kids, we explored how to teach children about emotions

7 - Acceptance vs Resignation

What is acceptance? I think there’s a common misconception around the idea of “Acceptance” and it has to do with the semantics of the word acceptance. It’s common to associate the word acceptance with the word resignation. I want to spend some time discussing what acceptance is but

6 - How to Teach Mindfulness to Kids

This episode explores how I teach mindfulness to my kids. We know that practicing mindfulness is beneficial for adults but it’s also very beneficial for kids. Research indicates that mindfulness can help kids improve their abilities to pay attention, to calm down when they are upset and to make

The Art of Being

The Art of Being

In today’s hyper connected world, it’s really difficult to be mindful and connected to the present. It’s hard enough to master “the art of being”, but you add in something as small as a smartphone with ubiquitous wifi or data access, and it becomes virtually impossible. One



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