Zen Master Seung Sahn said “I do not teach Buddhism. I only teach don’t know.” The beauty of not knowing arises when we understand that reality is unknowable as a complete picture. First, because it’s always changing, and second, we are limited in our perspective in terms of
Liberation is not a destination we strive to reach, it’s a state of mind that is available to us right here and right now. When we fully understand the reality of emptiness, signlessness, and aimlessness, we become liberated from the type of thinking that has us trapped in the
Observation in Buddhist practice is an active thing, it’s not passive and it’s not a form of resignation. The skilled observer, observes precisely in order to be able to act more skillfully.
In this podcast episode, I share my thoughts about “Buddha nature” and what it means to me. I also share the story of the little rock in my backyard that had a Buddha painted on the rock. When the paint started to fade, I was able to see the buddha