Crappy Moments in Life
Photo by Sincerely Media / Unsplash

Crappy Moments in Life

Most parents have had or will have one of those “poop” stories about their kids. Mine happened tonight. I dropped my son Rajko off at dance with his mom and I came home with my little girl Noelle, it was supposed to be one of our typical daddy daughter Tuesday nights. While I was getting dinner ready I noticed Noelle was kind of squatting and doing a little grunt sound and I knew what she was up to. She soon came over and said “poopoo” in her cute little 1yr old voice. I left the noodles boiling and decided I would quickly change her diaper since it usually takes me a whole 60 seconds to get her changed. I carried her to the room and put her down on the floor. I could tell from the smell that she had successfully completed her mission and that she meant business. I then proceeded to remove her pants and quickly became aware of the gravity of the situation. Since the pants were already off the blow out was no longer being contained and I suddenly feared for our lives. I frantically reached for the wipes as she commenced operation “fling the poop”. I started to scream as she quickly maneuvered her sweet little hands and grabbed my arm. As I stood in shock assessing the damage on my arm, she managed to step on the pooped out pants and then began to run away. My instinct was to grab her leg to stop her but a slippery slimey substance prevented it. I followed her little brown footsteps as I chased her into the hall where she slipped on the hardwood floor and started to cry. I also felt like crying but I had to be strong for both of us. I did what any loving father would would do, I immediately carried her into the bath. As I rinsed us both off, I started to laugh harder than I have in a really long time. There was this perfect little angel covered in poop and crying her eyes out and I was covered too but I was loving every minute of it. I knew I was living in a moment that will forever be branded in my mind and in my nose. I realized right then that this probably wont be the last “poopy” moment she’ll have in life. We all go through crappy experiences that at the time feel horrible, uncomfortable, and even painful but you know what? They pass! And then we can look back on them and laugh it off. Luckily it’s usually not literal “poopy” moments but still there are indeed genuine crappy times that we all have to endure in life. I’ve had my share of crappy experiences in life and I’m grateful for the love and support of those that stood with me and endured the moment. I just hope my daughter knows that I will always be there for her in those crappy times and I’m eager to be a source of comfort for her. I love my kids more that I can express and I’m so grateful to be their dad. Let’s all make the best of the “poopy” moments life has in store for us.



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Written by

Noah Rasheta

Noah Rasheta

Kamas, UT
Having fun living life. Podcast Host | Author | Paramotor Flight Instructor