Noah Rasheta

Noah Rasheta

Kamas, UT
Having fun living life. Podcast Host | Author | Paramotor Flight Instructor
Life is too short to be hating “them”...

Life is too short to be hating “them”...

Life is too short to be hating “them”… We all know “them”…those who don’t view the world like “us”. For some, “them” could be the: “right wing nut jobs”, or the “bleeding heart liberals”. The “Trump supporters”, “Bernie supporters”, or “Hillary supporters”. The “gun lovers” or the “gun

20 - The Question of Good and Evil

How do we make sense of the atrocities that are committed every day in the world? Is there a source of evil behind such things? In this episode, I will discuss the Buddhist understanding of non-dichotomy in relationship to good and evil. How does our understanding of interdependence influence our

19 - Learning to Live Artfully

Modern society tends to assign a value to everything we do. If there is no utilitarian purpose to something, we think it’s not valuable. Why does a painter paint? Why does a dancer dance? For the simple joy of doing it. This is what it means to live life

18 - Freedom From the Pursuit of Happiness

Why do we chase after happiness? What if we could be free from the pursuit of happiness? In this episode, I will explore the nature of human emotions. When we understand that all emotions, including happiness, sadness, etc…are impermanent, we can learn to stop chasing after these emotions. Pursuing



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