Noah Rasheta

Noah Rasheta

Kamas, UT
Having fun living life. Podcast Host | Author | Paramotor Flight Instructor
Emotional Equanimity and Antifragility

Emotional Equanimity and Antifragility

How Avoiding Stress Can Make You Weaker Below is a summary of the podcast episode. Click the link above to listen to the complete recording. Life’s unpredictable and volatile nature often subjects us to an emotional rollercoaster ride. In today's world, where polarized views and rapid changes

Beyond Chess: Why Life is More Like a Game of Tetris

Beyond Chess: Why Life is More Like a Game of Tetris

When it comes to the game of life, we often approach it as we would a game of chess—strategic, planned, and with every move carrying a significant weight of consequences. But the wisdom of Tetris, a game so many of us played growing up, presents a beautiful, alternative perspective.

Six Words of Advice

Six Words of Advice

Tilopa's 'Six Words of Advice' provide meditation guidance for people of all levels, including both beginners and experienced meditators. Despite their apparent simplicity, these six instructions hold deep meanings. One can spend a lifetime studying these simple instructions and still uncover new insights. These teachings are

What are the Four Noble Truths?

What are the Four Noble Truths?

The Four Noble Truths are the most fundamental teachings of Buddhism. They serve as the foundation of the entire Buddhist worldview, and they offer a path to understanding the nature of existence and suffering. 💡A quick note: The Buddha likely spoke Māgadhī Prākit, the language of ancient Māgadha in northern



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