114 - Beware of Falling Rocks

114 - Beware of Falling Rocks

In this podcast episode, I will discuss the idea of attachment in relation to the Buddhist notion of groundlessness. I will discuss how our strong attachment to things can often cause more discomfort than the comfort we thought we were getting from the thing in the first place. Subscribe to

113 - Right Speech

113 - Right Speech

How can we communicate more skillfully? In this podcast episode, I will discuss “right speech”, one of the points on the eightfold path. I will discuss three different communication styles: passive, aggressive, and assertive and share a communication formula that has helped me to communicate more skillfully with my loved

112 - The Importance of Community

112 - The Importance of Community

In this podcast episode, I will discuss the Buddhist teaching of “taking refuge” and talk about the teaching of the three jewels. I will discuss in greater detail how I hope to build an online community where we can practice together and continue our discussions about each podcast episode. Subscribe

111 - Resisting Our Demons

111 - Resisting Our Demons

In this podcast episode, I will discuss the Zen Koan titled “The Real Miracle”. I will also share the story/teaching of Milarepa and the Demons he resisted in his cave and how that story can help us with our own demons. I also share a new Zen koan at



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