124 - Dealing With People You Dislike

124 - Dealing With People You Dislike

We all deal with people or situations we dislike from time to time. In this podcast episode, I will talk about dealing with people we dislike. For me, the recognition of disliking someone is always an invitation to look inward and to learn something about myself. Subscribe to the podcast

123 - The Art of Diving In

123 - The Art of Diving In

In this podcast episode, I will discuss my thoughts on the idea of the art of diving in. Life is a lot like a pool and we are learning to dive in, we dive into new relationships, jobs, and countless other experiences but how do we do the actual diving

122 - Stop Trying to Eliminate Suffering

122 - Stop Trying to Eliminate Suffering

The problem with suffering is the idea we have that we shouldn’t suffer. Suffering is a word that has become synonymous with the core Buddhist teachings of the 4 Noble Truths. What if our understanding of those teachings has been misunderstood because of our views of what it means

121 - Just Enough to be Dangerous

121 - Just Enough to be Dangerous

Sometimes we know something but we haven’t mastered it. We only know just enough to be dangerous with what we know. This applies to many aspects of life but also applies to our process of learning to live more mindfully. The key to mastering something is to practice it



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