132 - Nowhere to Hide Nothing to Hold

132 - Nowhere to Hide Nothing to Hold

In this podcast episode, I will discuss the koan about the great meaning of the Buddha’s teaching. I will also discuss some thoughts about the Buddhist approach of theism vs non-theism and how leaves us with nowhere to hide and nothing to hold. Koan Discussed: Elder Ting asked Lin-chi,

131 - The Truth Of Unsatisfactoriness

131 - The Truth Of Unsatisfactoriness

The nature of reality is that difficulties will arise, and we’ll experience suffering. We can begin to embrace that fact by recognizing that suffering, in general, is not personal. It’s simply part of the experience of existence. And we will experience suffering, no matter how hard we try

130 - Three Approaches for Doubt and Mistrust

130 - Three Approaches for Doubt and Mistrust

In Buddhism, doubt is beneficial because it is the first step in weakening our wrong views. The wonderful thing about doubt is that it can propel us in the direction of more skillful views. There is a strong emphasis in Buddhism to avoid “believing in” Buddhist teachings, instead, we are

129 - The HALT Method

129 - The HALT Method

In this podcast episode, I will discuss the HALT Method and share my thoughts on the koan shared in the last episode: “What is your original face before you were born?”. I will also leave you with this new koan to explore: “One day Chao-chou fell down in the snow,



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