189 - The One You Feed
How to Bring Curiosity and Mindfulness Into Everyday Life with Noah Rasheta

189 - The One You Feed

How to Bring Curiosity and Mindfulness Into Everyday Life with Noah Rasheta

In a special collaborative podcast episode, Noah Rasheta, host of “Secular Buddhism,” and Eric Zimmer, host of “The One You Feed,” come together to explore the intersection of secular Buddhism and daily life. This engaging conversation delves into the core teachings of Buddhism, practical applications, and the profound lessons that can be drawn from unique experiences like paragliding.

The Parable of the Two Wolves

The episode kicks off with Eric recounting the parable of the two wolves, a story that highlights the internal battle between our positive and negative tendencies. Noah shares his interpretation, emphasizing that the wolf we choose to feed—through our thoughts and actions—shapes our experiences and behaviors.

Understanding Propensities and Tendencies

The discussion transitions to the concept of propensities and tendencies. Noah and Eric explore how our habitual behaviors can be influenced by both genetic and learned factors. They use examples like procrastination and metabolism to illustrate these points, highlighting the importance of awareness in making conscious changes.

Embracing Secular Buddhism

Noah recounts his journey into Buddhism, particularly its secular aspects. He explains how Buddhism’s non-theistic nature and psychological principles resonated with him, especially during his deconstruction of previous belief systems. Eric and Noah agree that Buddhism offers valuable insights into understanding and improving our relationship with suffering.

Core Teachings and Practical Applications

At the heart of the conversation is the Buddhist focus on suffering and how we relate to it. Noah and Eric discuss the concept of “freedom to” versus “freedom from” suffering, emphasizing the importance of accepting and processing difficult emotions rather than avoiding them. Noah shares a poignant story about losing his father and how Buddhist practices helped him navigate that challenging time.

Lessons from Paragliding

Noah also draws parallels between paragliding and Buddhist practice. He describes paragliding as a metaphor for life, where skill and guidance are essential for a safe and enriching experience. Just as in paragliding, practicing Buddhism requires ongoing effort and mindfulness.

Integrating Mindfulness into Daily Life

The episode concludes with practical tips for incorporating Buddhist principles into daily routines. Noah shares his practice of using a timer for regular reflections on interdependence and gratitude. Eric and Noah emphasize the importance of recognizing emotional triggers and practicing mindfulness throughout the day.

For those interested in diving deeper into these topics, Noah and Eric recommend several influential books:

  • Steven Batchelor’s "Buddhism Without Beliefs"
  • Pema Chödrön’s "When Things Fall Apart"
  • Steve Hagen’s "Buddhism Plain and Simple"
  • Jack Kornfield’s "A Path With Heart"

This enriching conversation offers valuable insights for anyone interested in exploring secular Buddhism and its practical applications in everyday life.

189 - The One You Feed



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Written by

Noah Rasheta

Noah Rasheta

Kamas, UT
Having fun living life. Podcast Host | Author | Paramotor Flight Instructor